Thursday, February 21, 2013

terima kasih, awak.

i can relate with this video.
because i was one of them.

long time ago, i thought nobody would love me.
because i was ugly.

i was short and stinky.
i am still short. 
but hopefully no longer stinky.

things started to change.
when i no longer care.

that moment, i realize.
i'm beautiful.

myself is beautiful.

doesn't matter how i look.
my heart is.

and today, my beautiful heart is stolen.
but in a good way.

thank you.
for being beautiful too.
for seeing the beautiful me.
for seeing beyond the looks.

i love you.


  1. miaw2..luf u budak bau bebi masam. hik3.

    1. dummmm merudum terus self confident kena panggil masam haha.
