Wednesday, March 6, 2013

marriage and emotion.

a conversation with a close friend (close, but not the best hahaha), and a newly known classmate. the classmate is a guy, iranian but has been living in usa for quite some time; claims that he is neither american nor iranian. he doesn't belong to any. she said cool, i said pathetic hahaha. 

i was only interested in research matters, so basically i was just listening and thinking. i kept quiet a lot, and only interfered when necessary. i'm just like that. i don't easily open up to newly known people. i like to think that i'm mysterious hahahaha.

one of the issues debated was about how unfaithful iranian women are. he had this idea that even malaysian women are as unfaithful as iranian women; to which my close friend denied by giving few examples, in which that guy and me thought they were invalid because all the examples were old ladies hahaha. wanita melayu lama sangat setia, okay. very few cases pun yang cheated or at least, yang kita tahu dan dengar la.

i stood with my opinion that malay women love easy money. in fact, all women are becoming like that now. so sickening hahahha. so good opportunities (of having a stable partner) should not be missed. 

but that's not the point. what triggered me to write here is her statement when that guy dropped the bomb saying that her husband might have affairs since he travels a lot (he's a pilot). 

Her: Noooo i know he's not. He's as faithful as I am.
That guy: How would you know that? He's travelling and he's a man.
Her: Don't you ever put that thought in my mind. I won't allow you to do that.
Me: Yuppp, please don't. I can't bear the consequences. She'll let everything go at me. No, no.
Her: Hey, bila last time aku buat kau macam tu? Bila? [terus emosi hahah].
Me: What I'm saying is I couldn't stand you crying and be sad. I'll be mad, okay.
Her: Bila? Bila aku macam tu? Tu cita lama okay [emosi lagi]. 
That guy: Woo wooo what are you guys talking about?
Her: She said I was being emotional to her. Well, I'm no longer emotional. I'm married now so my emotions are balanced.
Me: You think? ha-haha. Yeah, she's much better when once she got married.
Her: I know my husband he wouldn't do that. I know he is faithful.
Me: Nobody is talking about your husband now. 
Her: Whatever~

Hahaha. point dia aku nak cerita, yang tak kisahla lelaki ke perempuan ke malaysian ke iranian ke apa pun la; kalau nak curang tu curang jela wehhhh.

and the moment when you keep on chanting that your spouse is not cheating, you are actually convincing yourself more than other people.

anddddddd, emotions don't vanish just like that; married or not. it's just not there because you've dealt with it.

and you just don't care.

don't give a damn anymore.
confront, say it out loud once and for all.

and move one.

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